Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty shades of Grey erotska gadgeti razvijeni su na osnovi poznatog bestseller-a koji je oduševio mnoge parove te im istovremeno dao poticaj, nekima čak i hrabrost, da isprobaju BDSM igrice. Sigurna sam da je svatko od nas čuo za knjigu ili film Pedeset nijansi sive, ili je čak i pročitao odnosno pogledao film.

Svi proizvodi u našoj online trgovini dio su originalne kolekcije Fifty Shades of Grey koju je priznala i odobrila spisateljica knjige E. L. James.

Vibratori, vaginalne i analne kuglice, dildi te slične seksi igračke povesti ćete do nevjerojatnih orgazama o kojima si prije mogla samo maštati.

Lisice, povezi za oči, bičevi te različiti setovi za vezanje koji služe svojoj namjeri, povesti će vas u svijet lakših i neizmjerno uzbudljivih bondage igrica. Realizirajte svoje skrivene fantazije poput glavnih likova Anastasie Steele i Christiana Greya, te uživajte u ulogama podređivanja i dominacije.

Uz veliki izbor pribora, otkrij novu razinu intimnosti i u spavaću sobu vrati strast i uzbuđenje. Ponuda uključuje kako igračke za iskusne ljubitelje BDSM-a, tako i igračke za potpune početnike. Već s elegantnim povezom za oči i slatkim peruškama možeš otkriti potpuno nove dimenzije požude.

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Vibrator za stimulaciju prostate Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyVibrator za stimulaciju prostate Fifty Shades of Grey
28,01 €32,95 €
32,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Erotske kocke Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyErotske kocke Fifty Shades of Grey
13,56 €15,95 €
15,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess, 78 g
Fifty Shades of GreyVaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess, 78 g
16,96 €19,95 €
19,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Potisni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Greedy Girl
Fifty Shades of GreyPotisni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Greedy Girl
84,96 €99,95 €
99,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Analni lubrikant Fifty Shades of Grey - At Ease, 100 ml
Fifty Shades of GreyAnalni lubrikant Fifty Shades of Grey - At Ease, 100 ml
11,01 €12,95 €
12,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey, crne
Fifty Shades of GreyVaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey, crne
17,81 €20,95 €
20,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Srebrne vaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess, 67 g
Fifty Shades of GreySrebrne vaginalne kuglice Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess, 67 g
13,56 €15,95 €
15,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Komplet za vezanje Keep Still Bondage
Fifty Shades of GreyKomplet za vezanje Keep Still Bondage
46,71 €54,95 €
54,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Prsten Feel it Baby!
Fifty Shades of GreyPrsten Feel it Baby!
13,56 €15,95 €
15,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vibrator novi Charlie Tango
Fifty Shades of GreyVibrator novi Charlie Tango
23,76 €27,95 €
27,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vaginalne kuglice Inner Goddess
Fifty Shades of GreyVaginalne kuglice Inner Goddess
23,76 €27,95 €
27,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Analne kuglice Pleasure Intensified
Fifty Shades of GreyAnalne kuglice Pleasure Intensified
13,56 €15,95 €
15,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vibracijski prsten Yours and Mine
Fifty Shades of GreyVibracijski prsten Yours and Mine
13,56 €15,95 €
15,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Vibrator Insatiable Desire
Fifty Shades of GreyVibrator Insatiable Desire
23,76 €27,95 €
27,95 € Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana.
Finger vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation
Fifty Shades of GreyFinger vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation
32,95 €
Masažni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation Mini
Fifty Shades of GreyMasažni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation Mini
32,95 €
Rabbit vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyRabbit vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey
32,95 €
Vibracijski analni čep Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyVibracijski analni čep Fifty Shades of Grey
32,95 €
Satenasta ovratnica s čipkom i stezaljkama za bradavice - Play Nice
Fifty Shades of GreySatenasta ovratnica s čipkom i stezaljkama za bradavice - Play Nice
19,95 €
Povez za oči Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
Fifty Shades of GreyPovez za oči Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
24,95 €
Gag Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
Fifty Shades of GreyGag Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
27,95 €
Mali bič Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
Fifty Shades of GreyMali bič Fifty Shades of Grey - Bound to You
19,95 €
Vibrator za gaćice Fifty Shades of Grey - Relentless Vibrations
Fifty Shades of GreyVibrator za gaćice Fifty Shades of Grey - Relentless Vibrations
74,95 €
Lubrikant Fifty Shades of Grey, 100 ml
Fifty Shades of GreyLubrikant Fifty Shades of Grey, 100 ml
12,95 €
Sisajlke za bradavice Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreySisajlke za bradavice Fifty Shades of Grey
12,95 €
Rabbit vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl
Fifty Shades of GreyRabbit vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl
84,95 €
Hulahopke Fifty Shades of Grey Captivate Spanking Tights
Fifty Shades of GreyHulahopke Fifty Shades of Grey Captivate Spanking Tights
19,95 €
Maska Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyMaska Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
24,95 €
Gag Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyGag Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
27,95 €
Ovratnica s povodcem Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyOvratnica s povodcem Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
34,95 €
Ovratnica stezaljkama za bradavice Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyOvratnica stezaljkama za bradavice Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
24,95 €
Lisice Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyLisice Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
49,95 €
Lisice za gležnjeve Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyLisice za gležnjeve Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
49,95 €
Komplet za vezivanje Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyKomplet za vezivanje Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
89,95 €
Štap s lisicama Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyŠtap s lisicama Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
74,95 €
Ovratnica s lisicama Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyOvratnica s lisicama Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
34,95 €
Okrugli reket Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyOkrugli reket Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
29,95 €
Peruška Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyPeruška Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
13,95 €
Bič Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
Fifty Shades of GreyBič Fifty Shades of Grey - Sweet Anticipation
27,95 €
Klitorisni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation
Fifty Shades of GreyKlitorisni vibrator Fifty Shades of Grey - Sensation
32,95 €
Vibracijski masturbator Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyVibracijski masturbator Fifty Shades of Grey
32,95 €
Vibracijski prsten za penis Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyVibracijski prsten za penis Fifty Shades of Grey
32,95 €
Vibracijski prsten Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of GreyVibracijski prsten Fifty Shades of Grey
32,95 €
Kalendar Fifty Shades of Grey - 10 Days of Pleasure
Fifty Shades of GreyKalendar Fifty Shades of Grey - 10 Days of Pleasure
89,95 €
Satenasta maska za oči s čipkom Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
Fifty Shades of GreySatenasta maska za oči s čipkom Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
12,95 €
Satenaste lisice s čipkom Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
Fifty Shades of GreySatenaste lisice s čipkom Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
15,95 €
Kocke za igranje uloga Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
Fifty Shades of GreyKocke za igranje uloga Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice
7,95 €
Karte za igranje Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice Talk Dirty
Fifty Shades of GreyKarte za igranje Fifty Shades of Grey - Play Nice Talk Dirty
12,95 €
Trgovina s erotskim dodacima i odjećom Corner69 osnovana je 2011. godine s željom da našim kupcima pružimo široku ponudu proizvoda koji na neki način donose užitak, a ujedno nude izvrsno korisničko iskustvo u online kupovini.